Our Story

IBB I&C Technology Co.Ltd. or in Chinese 北京莱茵方舟网络技术有限公司 , was founded in Beijing as Sino-German IT Solution, IT Service Provider to support international SME’s (Small and Medium Enterprises) in China.

By that time we have been very Project and Service driven and have been rooling out many IT Projects of all size, from small Offices to Factory facilities.

But ot only Projects, we also supported our Customer with there IT Service, Maintenance needs and End-User Support. 

At 2005 with the opening of the new German Center in Shanghai, we also opened our first Office in Shanghai.

As we have learned the needs and requirments of our Customer over this years, we started in 2012 to develop our own Office System, by that time including a Network Management, a Mail Server, Filesharing and Phone System, but also providing the option to host localy Customer Application. We called it “OfficeHUB”, which was a kind of first privat Cloud Solution, offered as Managed service to our Customer.

Up to today we provide to our Customer an further developed System of the OfficeHUB from 2012.

As a Partner of Seafile Ltd (https://www.seafile.com/en/home/) we started to add the first Cloud Solution to our System, which still is rolled out on many Customer sites, but also went different Branch with nihaocloud today known as Sesamdisk (https://sesamedisk.com/)

Today our Customer are still mainly international Corporation in China using IT Solution based on our Privat Cloud Solutions, but also having our Support Team as Outsources IT Depatment in China or getting Project rolled out by our Project Team.

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